External Fund Managers


Farringdon partners with a range of fund managers offering actively managed UCITS funds across a range of different assets classes and investment profiles. Currently Farringdon is working with the following fund managers
  • Pacific Asset Management
  • VAM Funds
  • Canaccord Genuity
  • Man Group
  • Guinness Asset Management
  • Fortem
  • Rudolf Wolff
  • Gemini

As part of this approach Farringdon carries out enhanced analysis and due diligence on such funds which may include regular active dialogue with the managers for both Farringdon staff and its clients through engagement sessions or through written materials such as market summaries. Views expressed by third party managers to a client through such sessions may not reflect Farringdon’s own views and should be treated merely as opinion. Farringdon will accept no liability for the use or misuse of such views. For further information on such arrangements please see our Terms and Conditions.